writar beta

dark/light mode

Terms and Privacy

written by markski at 2023-11-30 22:39:40

Terms of service

I don't like writing strict rules, because strict rules spawn loopholes.

Instead, I like setting up a framework for what the spirit of the allowed is, and I enforce them as I see appropriate.

Documents of the following type are not allowed:

Having set the previous standards, be advised that I will not get into legal fight for you. If lawyers or governments come request something is removed I don't really have a choice.

What I can promise is to not give out your personal information (and I ensure of this by not storing it in the first place - keep reading.)

Regarding privacy

No "identifying" details (IP address or forms of digital fingerprinting) are linked to user accounts.

IP addresses are temporarily stored in a database table - not linked to user data - for rate-limiting/abuse prevention purposes both for the main site and the API.


This document is a draft and may change.

While I try my best to keep things secure -and I keep the code open source for you and anyone else to keep me honest- writar is offered as-is, with no warranties regarding data safety, integrity, or protections regarding what St. Peter might ask you about your documents at the pearly gates.