writar beta

dark/light mode

Example document

written by markski at 2023-11-29 04:41:27

Hello, and welcome to writar. This is an example document.


In writar, documents are written using markdown.

Markdown is nowadays a fairly universal standard for formatting documents. It allows for headers, embedding images, links to other websites, links to sections within a document and even media like externally-hosted videos or images.

Smaller header!

Markdown is also very cool, because apart from being a way to format documents, it also remains very human-readable if accesed in raw text, without a parser.

Smaller smaller header!

You get the point!

It also supports code blocks and inline blocks.

Example Code:

#include <stdio.h>

main() {
    print("This is a code segment.");

You can really do most things you'd want in a standard document with just markdown.

So try it out! It's only free.

And here's this document in raw markdown:

Hello, and welcome to writar. This is an example document.

# Header!

In writar, documents are written using [markdown](https://www.markdownguide.org/basic-syntax/).

Markdown is nowadays a fairly universal standard for formatting documents. 
It allows for headers, embedding images, links to other websites, 
links to sections within a document and even media like 
externally-hosted videos or images.

## Smaller header!

Markdown is also very cool, because apart from being a way to 
format documents, it also remains very human-readable if accesed 
in raw text, without a parser.

### Smaller smaller header!

#### You get the point!


It also supports code blocks and `inline blocks`.

Example Code:
#include <stdio.h>

main() {
    print("This is a code segment.");

You can really do most things you'd want in a standard document with just markdown.

So try it out! It's only free.


And here's this document in raw markdown:

2024 Update! Look, a table!

Hello! I am a table! And I am the right side of the same table!
This is content! Is this content, chat?